Monday, April 14, 2008

Just a thought......

Well, as most of my friends know...I pretty much have no sense of smell...haha....[yah, it must run in the family....but skipped a generation...cause my parents can smell just fine;]! yah, I can smell, a big sunday dinner cooking, anything with tomato sause and garlic....but thats pretty much it...I can never smell if something is burning, or cookies cooking, or the gross trash can thats smells awful[which most of the time not smelling is a good thing;] but there are so many wonderful smells that I am missing....[don't worry, I am not exactly complaining] haha! but, anyways, all this to say......last night, my mom and I were cooking.....and we were browning hamburger, and she put some garlic in while I was stirring....I said...."oOooOoo...I can smell that!" hehe....then I got to thinking....I wonder if there will be smells in heaven, cause if there are....I will be able to smell all of the beautiful smells there! :]

p.s........47 days--8 hours--3 minutes!!! :) [:well, thats what the count down thing says:]