Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Here is it....finally....enjoy!!!

Sigh....I could watch this over and over!! :)


Anonymous said...

Guess what I watched last night? Ha ha. Tsukasa just got back from Japan, and I was so excited to show it to someone who hadn't yet seen it. Okay. Maybe I just wanted to watch it again. :D

Have you started small groups yet? I'll be praying for you. You're going to do wonderfully!

Jenna Lyn said...

Yea! for the video and Yea! for Tsukasa coming home! Come on Megan, really. Why don't you write on your blog! I'm sure you can find SOME time in your busy day. Why don't you just quit pretending to be doing a Spanish class and start blogging!

But, don't worry; I still love you despite your failure to blog. I am practicing grace and am choosing to love you anyway. HA!

And eh, excited bout children's church! We gotta practice our songs…

One more thing, as Jessie already assured you: you are going to do great with the break out groups! I love you, Megan!