Trent and Hailey! :]
A much as I hate Chili, I was going to try Chikos! goes......
Two thumbs up, and yes chiko....if I had three would be three thumbs up! ;]
So, again this year, we had a chili cookoff! A fundraiser for the mexico trip!!! :] As much as I hate chili, I was excited about it! yah, I know, how can I go to this church and hate chili? Cause it seems to be their favorite! Well, I am not alone, I found out Aleah hates it too! :)
Afterwards we had a Mexico meeting, which I was excited about! During it Jessie reminded Hannah and I about the time my taco went flying in the air while driving back to the Ranch during the storm last year! ;] it made me smile........and laugh!!! :) :] :) :]
Well, yah....I am have a little Mexico money issue. The 1/3 that we are suppose to get by working, which I am getting from Chik-fil-a, will cover it. but that money is suppose to go towards Bible School. And that 1/3 is about 1/6 of the monay I need for college! There really is no other way to earn it, either I am at work or at home doing school. That is why I am missing service projects, prayer meeting, and awana, cause I got a little behind last week cause I worked over 32 hours. I worked every single day, it was pretty insane! So Hannah and I were talking about it, and thought there would be another way to work it out, so i didn't have to use my college money.
But lately, a lot of people are saying and acting like I should wait a year for Bible School! I mean, there are a lot of plus' to staying a year. One is money would not be a problem, cause I would be able to work for a full year! And I would be able to get a car! In a way, I don't feel ready to go, leave my family and friends...and go clear up north[but, I would have a sister and brother-in-law that would live only a couple minutes away!! which would be amazing:]I don't know if that is God saying I shouldn't go......or if it is Gods will for me too go this year. I don't want to give up and say,"ok, there is no way I'll be able to get the money I need for Bible School, I'll just go the next year." No, I want to try, God will close the door if its His will, and He will also open them! :] I need to just stop worring about it and just trust God!
Well, all that to say, Hannah and I went to talk to Josh about it, I was on the verge of tears, just cause of the stress of everything going on. He said that he still wants us to make all the 1/3 by working, and that he would be praying for me. I know Josh can't just change the rules, cause other people are having trouble earning the money they need. And he can't change the rules half way through.
So on Monday, I handed the money, the whole $330, out of all the money I had earned so far. :-/ In a way, I am excited! Excited that I am and was able to give that money....that means I am going to Mexico.....which is absolutely amazing!!!! But it makes Bible School seem less and less of a chance. But seeing I worked so much last week, after I get that paycheck, and adding it to what I already had, I will be a little over 2/5 there!! I can already see the door opening for me to go this fall to college!! But its not too late for the door to close!
So, I just wanted to let you all know, well, for my frends here who didn't know, but for all my family and friends up north, who I don't get to talk to much!!!!
Sigh. ok, i think I will stop. just some thoughts that are running through my mind! I am just a little confused! So, if you could, could you plese pray that I will know what God wants me to do this next year, and that if its His will, I will be able to go to Mexico and Bible School! thanks!!! Love you all/megan marie :]
I'll definitely be praying for you as you seek the Lord's will for the upcoming months! I don't know what He has ahead for you, but I do know that it is good! :)
Even when we don't know how things will turn out, we can trust that His promises will never fail!
I didn't know how my audition for school was going to turn out. There were definitely times when I felt completely overwhelmed and ready to give up!
The neat thing is that God isn't worried about the end result (He's had that worked out since the beginning of time ;). He's more concerned that we step out in faith and follow matter where the road leads.
I know your heart years to follow Him, and He loves to honor that. Stay strong! Just keep trusting in His goodness!
I know His plans for you are wonderful. :)
71 days until Mexico! :D
P.S. You were being so sneaky that I didn't even see you take that picture of me. =P
Hey Megan!
The whole money thing is so frustrating! I wish we didn't have to worry about it at all! But I know that God uses stuff like this to help us grow closer to Him. It forces us to rely completely on Him. Someday we'll be able to look back on it and see how He used it in our lives.
Decisions about school are really hard! I understand all of the frustration and confusion that comes with deciding when and where to go to college. I know that you know where you want to go and are just wondering when to go, but for me, the big decision was where to go. Even now, I'm not sure that I am where God wants me to be. And I'm not sure if my uncertainty is God-given, or if it is my own doubts, or ones put there by the Deceiver. So, I completely understand the difficulty of your decision. : )
However it works out, I know that God will use it for your good. He has a great plan for you! It isn't easy at times, but put your entire trust in Him and He'll give you a wild ride!!!
69 days! Mexico, here we come!!!!
Love, Hannah
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