Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's Actually July.

I just realized that the other day.
June has honestly, been the longest month..I have ever experienced in my life.
Throughout this month, I have quit my job..which in a way, seem like several months, but also like I could just run and get that uniform on and jump on in and help with the lunch rush! ;) The week after I quit, my chick-fil-a got a new owner and two managers. I got introduced to him by Melanie(the former boss) and he acted like it wouldn’t be a problem for me to come back and work there when I am on my summer break! Which would be so amazing..then I wouldn’t have to go through the chore of finding a new job, going store to store, filling out applications, interviews…and all that junk! :] Or, another option, is, my friend, Lee, who used to be a manager at chick-fil-a..but is now working at Olive Garden, said he could probably get me a job there for the summer as a hostess. I think that would be an exciting job..for a change!
Ok..back to all what happened this month. :]
I spent the weekend I quit my job with few girls from the mission. Originally, we were going to have a big sleepover for my birthday..but it never worked out. So a couple girls organized a girls weekend! Earliesh Saturday morning, we headed to the beach!! I guess I should add pictures! If I have time I will..or else they will have their own separate post! :] So anyway, we went to the beach and walk along the shore, then, went back to the car and got our lunch, then took it down to the beach to eat it. Then, after awhile, we made our way to Maitland and checked into our hotel room. If I remember correctly, the rest of the girls went down to the swimming pool and Jenna, Sarah, and I sat up on the bed talking and eating most of the bag of candy! :] hehe! Then, we went over to Cranes Roost, Jenna brought her guitar, and we just had a great night worshipping and singing praises to God! It was such a great night, during our time of singing, a girl walked by..then started walking back towards us, she came and joined us! Since then, she has actually hung out with us a time or two which is really neat!! We then went back to the hotel and played games, got massages, and watched a movie..but I feel asleep before they watched it! :] The next morning, we went to Cranes Roost and had a bible study and some more songs..what a great morning that was! :] Thank you girls for putting that whole weekend was such an amazing time! I loved it! Then, on our way back to Sanford, Mary, Jenna, and I hung out at the mall for awhile while I was waiting for my ride from Richie. Which brings me to my next thing..
Chick-fil-a was all meeting at Chilies, their treat..[free meal..why not;] no, but the reason was to meet the new owner and managers and to say goodbye to all our former owner and managers.
Lets see..what happened next..
Mary, Sarah, and I, went out to get a tan. I was set on coming up north tan while everyone up here would still be white. Well..we ended up being out there longer then expected all because of Dove chocolate. It melted in the sun, so we had fun putting it on our lips, making a mustache, and putting hearts on our faces. And the tanning results were…a burn, which turned to into a solid layer of lil blisters all over my chest. I should put a picture of that just to gross y’all out! :]
Ohh my much happened..i’m having trouble remembering it all. Lets see..
Some friends from church came over one night to watch a movie. It was Seven Pounds..none of em had seen it!! I think its pretty good! :]
Our MK youth group had a summer BBQ type thing..which was a lot of fun!! That night..we also met two new aussie friends. Their family was staying in the guest house. James and Heidi! We showed them around. And also got them in trouble by their father. Ya see..we went were down in the lobby talking till midnight, then we went over to the new park and talked..actually hiding while the security guard made her rounds, then went over to the schools playground which is where their father found us..he was furious and it was late. Anyway..but it was a grrreat night.
Oh, one night, Chad came over to hang out with us..we ended up playing Pinochle. I learned to play it in 4th grade, I didn’t really like it then, it was more like a chore cause they made me…cause there wasn’t enough people for teams unless I played! But I enjoyed it this time. And that was the night chad brought back my ring from png that I ordered! So I was really excited! :] Thanks Chad!
Another night, a bunch of us girls rented one of the guest house rooms. We had a great, scary stories..jenna lead us all around outside while telling one, and singing out on the riverwalk in the middle of the night! (hair on the bathroom ceiling) I’m probably missing something..
Saying a bunch of goodbyes. And the morning I left..Matt and Sarah got up real early to see me off. We left 5 o’clock sharp. Not to mention matt lives 30 min away. That meant so much guys..thanks! :]
We then got to Seattle, Wa, and made our way up to Bellingham..the place where I grew up!
The next night..we were able to go to a cousins birthday party, and got to see a bunch of family. Which was exciting!
Also..our three lil cousins, Eleiya, Anika, and Alder took just a few minutes to warm up..and now..its like we never left!! It was great spending a couple days with them.
Also..we spend a day in the uncle kyle..who is only 8 years older than me and like a brother..and something wrong with his still not completely sure, but, he couldn’t open his mouth, had a hard time breathing, and was is so much pain. But he is doing so much better now!
We made the day drive..12 hours or so to Montana. While here..we went to Monarch, spent time with some family that came down to see us, and have played plenty of games:]
Also, we had to speak at a church…like I said in my last went..well. I thought I could of done better..but ohh well. We’ll see how the other ones do.
All this to say…it has been such a long but grrreat month..the best of my life..seriously..minus the goodbyes;]
Go ahead and remind me of all the other stuff we did the month of june..I forget a lot of it!
love you all:)


Unknown said...

Wow, Megan!
Sounds like a crazy month. What wonderful memories you will always have!

Miss you, too.
I was thinking a lot about you today...and Mexico. :)


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! This fish game is so addicting!

Megan, I wish you were here for Cow Appreciation Day! :(