Monday, April 13, 2009

Scared to Death..

Where do I even start...
So yesterday morning..Jaylea was, for the most part, acting normal, she went most of the night, not wanting to eat..and that morning, was the same. She was sleepier then normal. She slept all the way through church..without a peep. On the way home, my mom tried to feed her with a bottle, she would drink some, but then let it all run out of her mouth down her chin and neck. If she did swallow some..she would just spit it all up. This was not the Jaylea we know. She is a good eater. As we got home..she didn't want to eat again. She missed several feeding times. By this time, she didn't even want to wake up..she might of opened her eyes for a lil bit..but then..she would fall back to sleep. Amber was getting worried. At one point, Jaylea rolled her eyes to the back of her head. DJ assured her she would be alright. So Amber decided to lay down..she later fell asleep. We were going to go out to eat for Easter...but decided to wait, to see if we could get her to eat.
DJ sat on the couch, with Jaylea sprawled across his lap. She never would sleep like that, maybe the first day or two of her life..but not three weeks. You could put her in any uncomfortable position, and she would just lie there..completely out of it. I went and sat next to I held her lil hand, she usually, even when asleep, would grab onto my finger tight..and not let go..even if I would try and pull away, but this time, as I held her hand..she didn't hold my hand back..her lil hand would just plop back to her side if I let go. As I sat there..watching my lifeless lil girl..all I could do was pray..something was wrong..and we didn't know what it was. She wasn't being responsive, she wouldn't even cry, she was limp, lethargic, she didn't want to eat, all she wanted to do was sleep, and we couldn't really wake her up and keep her up. Some of us took a nap..or just sat and waited...
I woke up to DJ on the phone with Jaylea's doctor..I heard,"So that's not normal right? You want us to go to the Children's Hospital? Ok, thanks." We all got ready to go to. I new something was definitely wrong when he came out with Jaylea in her car seat..still sound asleep..cause she hates getting in that thing..she usually crys when they try and get her in there..even if she was sleeping.
As I heard my sister, bawling while getting all Jaylea's things together..I had to fight back the tears. It was one of the scariest things that I've gone through. I have grown so attached to my lil girl..I love her with all my heart was breaking..I'd do anything to help make her well and herself again..I didn't know what the doctors would say..but tried not to think the worst.
We made our way to the seemed like eternity..I wanted to get my lil baby there. She sat there sleeping..quiet, the whole trip which isn't her..she usually would lay there eyes wide open just looking at her surroundings..worry and tears were just building up...ready to burst.
Finally, we made our way to the emergency room. Oh my goodness..I have never seen the nurses move so slow..guess it doesn't go as fast as the movies show. As we got settled down, waiting for her name to be called..we all took turns going to the single bathroom. I sat there..fighting back the tears..waiting for my turn..I happened to be the last one in line. The minute I opened the door to the bathroom, I just burst into tears..crying my heart out. I was scared to death..praying she would be alright. Just wondering what was wrong with my precious baby, and hoping it would not be serious. I hurried up..and applied more makeup and made my way back out.
A bit later..Jaylea started crying..which I know at least relieved me a lil. Amber tried feeding her again, right when the nurse called her name. They made their way to one of the rooms, a bit later, DJ called all us back there..and we sat in the lil hospital room, waiting for the doctor.
They asked a bunch of questions..and by this time, Jaylea was wide the doctor couldn't see how she had been acting all day long. One of the reason she was wide awake..was probably cause they had to take her temp though her lil bottom..and she started woke her up a lil. But we still don't know why she seemed almost normal in front of the doctor..we just sat there confused..but amazed. The doctors ended up just sending us home after a few lil tests and such. But did set her appointment with Jaylea's doctor for today..instead of Wed.
We are still worried..cause it didn't seem like the doctors understood how she was throughout the whole day..but we are hoping some of the questions will be answered today at her checkup..and she will not go through that again. She is starting to eat a bit more..and once we got home and Amber fed her..she didn't spit up once. :)
Could you please be praying she continues to eat more and keep it all down and will gain more energy as time goes on..ohh, and that she gains more weight..she still weighs about 6 pounds..and today marked her three week and one day birthday! :)
Sigh..yesterday was such a long emotional day..but glad she is doing better!
I love you guys! See you soon!

p.s..we are heading out today..not sure what time..but will be there tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh Megan! That is so scary!!! I'm glad she's acting more normal now! I'll be praying for her, and for you guys as you drive.

Love, Hannah Marie

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Megan! I can't believe all of that happened. That's so scary! Jaylea looks so cute in all her pictures.
Can't wait to see you tonight! :)
-Tyler B.

Katrina A. said...

Oh Megan! That must have been very scary. Savannah's gotten pretty sick a few times and it's been pretty scary, so I kinda know how it feels. I'll be praying that Jaylea stays well. Also I'm glad to have you back here with us again. :)

Unknown said...

How is she doing now? Any update?
I prayed for you guys when I read this...

Jenna Lyn said...

I'm very glad that she's back to normal. we were definitely praying for her!

My reason for this comment is to let you know that this is my new blog. Justa tell you =)

I love you!